Tuesday, May 30, 2006

a new jewelry

I show you a new jewelry of "goro's". It is the most famous indian jewelry brand in Japan. This item is the big silver feather pendant top with a turquoise stone. I like it very much. I had wanted to buy it since I knew goro's. What do you think of it?

Friday, May 26, 2006

I will go to watch the movie at Simizu.

I will go to the movie from now. Today's movie is Japanese gang movie. I read this story with book. I am very excited about this story. I love unique five persons in this movie. When I come home, I will express my sentiment. I will be very excited. I want to watch the movie as soon as possible.

I want to be a Doctor of Engineering .

I want to be a Doctor of Engineering. I want to study about many things. But I have not many time. I have been 28 years old. I have a Master of Engineering. I studied about the plastic forming. I study about imaging to make printers now. I hoard up to go to school someday.

Wednesday, May 24, 2006

I went to goro's yesterday.

I went to yakou at Tokyo to see the poster session which is the research of printer. I studied about the inc jet printer. It was closed at 16:00. So I had many times to enjoy at Tokyo. I went to harajyuku to buy the goro's items. I had waited from 18:00 to 19:00 in front of this shop. When I went into the shop, I saw many beautiful items, the gold top of the silver feather, the silver feather with a turquoise stone, spoon eagle silver with a turquoise stone and etc. I am lucky. Because we are not seen usually.

Friday, May 19, 2006

Quiet Hill Festival

Quiet Hill Festival is organized in summer. It is music festival at Hamamatu in Japan. It is slow and relax in the music. I like this festival. But It is too hot to dance all day. I went to this festival two times. Famous artists come at this festival every year. This festival's organizer is Syunsuke Matuoka who is Japanese actor. His friend come here and dance with him. I met many actor and musician. I was excited this time.

Tuesday, May 16, 2006

I want to buy "ipod nano"!

I talked about ipod recently. I want to buy since that day. I saw my senior had ipod nano. It is very small. I am surprised this size. It is very cool. I like it. When I get next bonus, I will buy ipod nano.

Monday, May 08, 2006

This pants brand is "two peace"

One of the most favorite brand is "two peace". This brand makes good wears. This brand designer chooses good cloth and color. But this brand wears are a little expensive. This pants name is "ami Pocket pants". It was a little elegant. I want to wear it with a jacket. I wonder if I am looked grown-up with it.

Saturday, May 06, 2006

The golden week is finished.

I enjoyed the golden week. I watched the movie and went to dinner. I studied English too. Today, The golden week is finished. I must be going to work hard from tomorrow. But I thought I had to relax and enjoy my job. I want to study many things. I will study math and fractal and English little by little like this blog.

Friday, May 05, 2006

The movie "MOULIN ROUGE"

I watched the movie yesterday. It is "MOULIN ROUGE". It is a musical. I had watched it five or six years ago. I like it very much. It was great and moving. EWAN MCGREGOR is good actor. His performance was brilliant. I had liked him since he was head the cast of "Trainspotting". It's highly recommended.

Thursday, May 04, 2006

I study English using ipod.

Recently I bought the soft wear whose name is "ipodで英会話". It mean to study the conversation in English using the ipod. It use the function of memo. When you select the sentence displayed on the ipod, you can hear the voice reading the sentence. I enjoy to study English using the ipod. I want to buy the ipod nano. Because my ipod is battery shutoff immediately.

I bought the mash's Long - T shirts for haruru.

I bought the mash's Long - T shirt. I wanted to wear it. But my girl friend who is called haruru wanted to wear it too. So I presented it for her. She was very pleased with it. I wanted to buy it for myself. It is very pretty. There are the designs at the T-shirt's back. It has a good color.

Monday, May 01, 2006

The worst day!

I went to bike shop at 29, April. I had had my bike inspected at a garage at December 2005. I had waited for three months. Usually, Bikes are returned in a month when you have had your bike inspected at a garage. I thought my bike would been returned in a month. I couldn't wait any more time. I was happy to hear my bike was repaired. so I went to the bike shop to take back my bike. But nightmare started in this time. When I arrived at the bike shop, my bike was not repaired. The shop's mechanic said "Please wait for being repaired your bike ". I had waited for five hours. I came home at four in the morning.