Monday, June 19, 2006

Today's lunch is "sliced raw fish"

I didn't like a fish when I was a child. But I like a fish now. For example, I like a sliced raw fish, a baked fish, a boiled fish and so on. Today, My girl friend cooked for me. I like her cooking.

Sunday, June 18, 2006


Yesterday, I saw WONG KAR WAI's movie which was on-air about fifteen years ago. It is the most favorite movie I have watched. I have watched this movie again and again. But I hadn't watched it in the theater. I want to watch it in the theater. My dream came true. I am very satisfied. The theater is a beautiful one in Japan. It is located at roppongi. Do you know "ROPPONGI HILLS"? It is the most famous shopping mall and theater in Japan. It is very beautiful building. I enjoyed the Tokyo night. But I wanted to sleep. Because It was finished at A.M. 4:00.

Saturday, June 10, 2006

I bought a backpack !

I finally had bought a backpack. I had wanted to buy the backpack since I saw it at one month ago. It's brand is "two peace". It is a Japanese brand. I love this brand. This backpack color is very beautiful. I like green. It is used by design.

Today's lunch

Today's lunch was curried rice. My girl friend made it for me. It was pretty good. It was very pretty in a serving dish. It had a American cherry and egg too. She like to make something to eat. I am happy to eat it. Tomorrow, I wonder if what she make me ?

Wednesday, June 07, 2006

My goro's collection

This is my favorite collection. What do you think of them? It is very pretty. My most favorite item is the gold feather. I think a gold feather take me a luck. When an eagle flies to another place, it falls down a feather like this gold one. It is a little expensive. I will put on one of them everyday.

Sunday, June 04, 2006


Today, My girl friend made me a omelet. It was very delicious and pretty. She used the dish to fill the omelet. I showed you the omelet. It was today's dinner. I am satisfied with this dinner. I hope next is delicious too.