Friday, October 26, 2007


I start the Flickr. I put the picture which I take. They are good picture I think. I choose many photos I had taken. I show you pictures of Kyoto. I like Kyoto very much. It is the most beautiful place in Japan.

my Flickr page


I like a pizza pie. But it is not good. The pizza crust is not good. I am very disappointed. I thank her to make the dinner except for this taste.

Monday, October 01, 2007


I climbed the hill near my town once a week. It is the beautiful place. I like to view a landscape. I like to meet boars too. It is pretty and scare. In this hill, they lived with six or seven one.

Sunday, September 30, 2007

Memories of the summer

The summer has finished. This summer, I enjoyed riding the bicycle. This picture is one of the memories of the summer. Did you enjoy this summer? It had been very hot. I was very tired and spent hard days.

Saturday, August 11, 2007

I went to the beach.

I went to the beach today with the bicycle. I enjoyed a cycling. But It was very hot. I was very tired to ride the bicycle under the sun.
Many people enjoyed at the beach. The children like to swim in the sea. I like to watch them to enjoy themselves.

Thursday, August 09, 2007


I often go to the bike shop recently. Because I bought a vespa at this shop. It is a good shop. There are many bikes and bicycles. So I have been to like bicycles.
I bought a bicycle which is MTB. It is very good bicycle. It is original one for me. I like it very much.

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

I love a "vespa".

Do you know a vespa? It is an italian bike. I knew it when I was young. It's shape is beautiful. I like it very much. I show you my vespa. It was made in 1961. I took a ride carefully.

Monday, May 21, 2007


It is the music of the movie whose name is "music and lyrics". It is very good movie. I feel the flash of love. You might think it is a cheap story. But I like it very much.
"WAY BACK INTO LOVE " is good song. I want you to listen it. I think you will happy a little.

Sunday, May 20, 2007

I bought a bike which is "Vespa".

I bought a bike yesterday. It's name is "Vespa 150 STD". It is very old bike. It was made in 1961. I was not born this time. This bike I bought is black. It is very cool color. I like this color. and This shape is very pretty. Espesically, Back shape is very pretty. The shape is famous among collectors. I will show you it next weekend.

Friday, May 18, 2007

My favorite wear

These are my favorite wear. Thy are comfortable and functional. The blue cardigan is good color. It is a Japan blue. It is traditional color in Japan. It's name is "aizome".

Friday, May 11, 2007

Japanese TV drama "jikou keisatu"

It is great. I like it very much. It started to air last year. The story which I watch now is sequel to the story. It was very hilarious. I want to see it again and again. It is highly recommended.
This story is about ageing treatment. A police man research on the event finished an ageing treatment by avocation.

時効警察 DVD-BOX 時効警察 DVD-BOX
オダギリジョー (2006/06/23)

Monday, May 07, 2007


REDWING is a very famous shoes brand. It was born in U.S.A. It had been a very famous brand in Japan twenty years ago. All of the Japanese young people bought this shoes. But I couldn't buy it. So I think I want to buy it now.
It's shoes name is "BECKMAN". This name is founding father's one. It is very beautiful shape and color. It is very comfortable. I like it very much.

Sunday, May 06, 2007

book jacket 2

I made a book jacket for my brother. His wife is a pregnant. So I thought she would want to read a book. It is useful for her to read a book. I sent it to them yesterday.

Friday, May 04, 2007

Layer cake

I watched this movie yesterday. It is the crime movie. It was pretty good. This movie was made by the members who made "Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels". I like it very much.
This movie is very speedy and cool. I think men like this movie. It is recommended.

レイヤー・ケーキ コレクターズ・エディション レイヤー・ケーキ コレクターズ・エディション
ダニエル・クレイグ (2006/11/22)


I bought some buttons. I will use it to make a book jacket. These are very pretty. I bought these in the site. I like this site. I have fun to see the site. I want to use these buttons when I make leather works.

Wednesday, May 02, 2007

Cherry 2

The cherries were in full blossom. I took a picture of cherries. Japanese like a cherry. When I think to watch a cherry, I am happy. This color is good. It was gorgeous.

Tuesday, May 01, 2007

book jacket

I made a book jacket. Recently, I like a leather work. I want to present it to my friends. I make another book jacket for my brother. Because he present two Disney tickets. I want to thank him with it.

Monday, April 30, 2007

Lander blue

This is the turquoise named "Lander blue". It is very rarely turquoise.
This character is the dark blue and the sky blue. this contrast is very beautiful. It was gorgeous. I like it. But It was a bit expensive.
When I went to the Disney sea, I went to the shop which sell Indian jewelries. I saw many good jewelries. I want to buy the ring which is made by Raymond C. Yazzie.

Sunday, April 29, 2007

Diney sea in Japan

I went to the Diney sea with my girl friend yesterday. I went there first time. We had a great time. Especially, She was exciting. This park was made 5 year ago. So It
celebrated the five year anniversary. A woman look like a girl at an amusement park. I want to take her there again.

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

spring song

This song is made by yui who is the Japanese young artist. It is the love song in spring day. The song name is "CHE.R.R.Y". I feel fine to hear this song. Do you like it?

Sunday, April 01, 2007


I went to see the cherry blossoms. Japanese like to see them. I had gone there last year. There is the good place. I like there very much. But today, the weather took a turn for the worse. It was really too bad.

Friday, March 30, 2007

The movie name is "Musisi"

"Musisi" is the name of the movie. I watched the movie at Sinjyuku. It is the first day to show this movie. Actors came here to appeal to people. Their name are "Jou Odagiri","Yuu Aoi". They are very good actor. But This movie was not so good. It was disappointing.

Sunday, March 11, 2007


It is the day which men send the present for women in Japan. I am going to send it for the women of my office. I like this day. I bought chocolates and Japanese pouch. It is very pretty.

Sunday, March 04, 2007


I show you the dinner she make for me. They are very pretty and test is good. In winter, The casserole is good. But It is warm in Japan recently. The season of casserole is end. Spring is coming soon.

Wednesday, February 28, 2007

My room

I show you my room. I like my room. Especially, I like this bench. I introduce my bench before this. and I lay out my pictures on the wall. These are my favorite pictures. Additionally, I want to show my favorite wears too.

Saturday, February 24, 2007

He is my brother

He is my brother. This picture was taken at his wedding. He married with nurse.
One week ago, He called me. He said to me that "My wife is pregnant". I am happy to hear that. I hope she takes good care of herself and has a healthy baby.

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