Saturday, January 06, 2007

Bisbee turquoise ring

Do you know there are some treatments of turquoise? The main treatments are "Natural","Stabilized" and "Reconstituted". Natural turquoise is Natural Processed Turquoise. Natural Processed turquoise has been treated with completely non-toxic chemicals. Stabilized turquoise has been treated with epoxies or acrylic resins. Reconstituted turquoise is natural, or previously stabilized material that has been pulverized into a powder, soaked in binders and then pressed back into a solid block.
Natural turquoise is not seen. There are almost "Stabilized" or "Reconstituted" turquoise. Natural turquoise is 1% of all the market of turquoise.
The Bisbee turquoise is the king of the natural one. It is famous of the web which has smoky brown and the deep blue color.
It is very maniac world. The bisbee turquoise ring was very expensive.

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