Monday, December 11, 2006

"ichizawa hanpu"

"ichizawa hanpu" is famous bag brand at Kyoto in Japan. This brand name tag in second picture is very famous. It have been used since 1974. This bags is made with a canvas duck. Recently, this brand was disrupted in two one. One is "ichizawa hanpu". The other is "ichizawa Shinzaburou hanpu". Two brand battle every day. Because "ichizawa Shinzaburou hanpu" build this shop in front of "ichizawa hanpu". This two brand is almost same items except for name tag.


Anonymous said...


I just stumbled across your blog, nice stuff!

While Ichizawa Hampu is very famous, and was once a very great brand, it is nothing like it used to be. All the craftsmen from the company moved to Ichizawa Shinzaburo Hampu when the wicked eldest brother took over the company with a forged will. Also, the canvas is not the same because the canvas maker won't deal with Ichizwa Hampu anymore.

There are more details at the post below.

I would be glad to hear what you think.

moni said...

Thank you for your comment.

I think you said is true. I can not express my opinion for everyone.

I don't know the canvas is same or not. But I have two brand bags. These is good. I like a hampu material.