Monday, December 04, 2006


We had gone to Kyoto for 3 days. I came to Sizuoka the day before yesterday. I had gone to Kyoto two times. I wanted to show the good places at Kyoto to my girl friend. Now, many people go to Kyoto. Because the leaves turned red and yellow. It is the most beautiful season. I went there first time in this season. I show you in these pictures. What do you think? It was overwhelming. I want to go Kyoto again.


Miko said...

I want to go to Kyoto. I have never been to Japan, hopefully sometime in the future I can go there for vacation. Hokkaido. :)

moni said...

Wow, you have never been to Japan. I want you to come Japan. It is a beautiful place. Why do you go to Hokkaido?